Contact us

+64 (3) 313-6387
(0274) 818-543

‘Hawksfield’, 44 Topito Road, RD1, Kaiapoi 7691, New Zealand



We’re based in Tuahiwi, 15 minutes north of Christchurch.

Take Christchurch Northern Motorway (1) going North.
Continue North on Main North Road for several kilometres when the ‘Motorway’ ends.
As you enter WOODEND turn Left into Rangiora/Oxford Road (72).
Go 1km along and turn Left into Turiwhaia Road (Motorcycle repair sign at this corner).
Go 1km to end of road to Stop sign. Cross over into Topito Road – go to No. 44.


Best times to call:

| Time in your location | | Time at Polo School |

US West Coast
12 noon in Los Angeles
4am tomorrow in NZ
Best time to call
5pm to Midnight

US East Coast
6pm in New York
10am tomorrow in NZ
Best time to call
2pm to 10pm

East Asia
8am in Singapore
12 Midday the same day in NZ
Best time to call
5am to 1pm

8am in London
7pm in NZ
Best time to call
10pm to 5am